Tonight’s Roxor Weekly celebrates some of the best qualities of the Jeep’s long-lost cousin. With the Mahindra Roxor officially on sale in Canada for $19,999, our friends to the north have been slinging mud all week. Down in sunny Florida, our staff got shivers just thinking about an open-top Jeep in a Canadian October – but that didn’t seem to stop some intrepid Roxor buyers from putting their new rigs straight to work turning mud into joy.
Be sure to check out our growing Roxor Store for the latest in quality parts from vendors like On the Rox Fabrication. Spruce up your ride with some tactical LED headlights, add some utility to your bumpers with a pair of rugged tow hooks, or stick it to FCA by rocking a Jeep-style six-slot grille. Remember, the Roxor only exists because of a completely unrelated grille designed nearly 10 years ago. Ironic, huh?
Let's start this edition of Roxor Weekly off right with:
A Good Ol’ Fashioned Tug of War
This video was originally posted on Instagram by zx636.peewee and can be viewed in HD here.
I’m a pretty simple guy: when I find a tug of war video involving vehicles, I watch it. It doesn’t matter if it’s a Porsche Cayenne dragging a Hummer through the snow or two dirt bikes tied together with a ratchet strap, two internal-combustion machines fighting for traction is masculinity at its finest.
And while the macho Can-Am Maverick X3 MAX might outrank a Mahindra Roxor in suspension travel and outright price, it’s the firmly planted Roxor that wins this battle. Despite its factory open diffs and 3.73 gearing, the turbodiesel’s massive torque in 4-Low is too much for the MAX to handle.
Imagine how this would’ve gone if that Roxor had a diff locker or an Auburn LSD.
A Roxor By the Lakeside
Well-known Roxor owner abiez hit the uploads pretty hard this week, so if you’re looking to add some quality Roxor content to your YouTube feed each week, check out his channel.
In this video, abiez’s red Roxor gets a proper thrashing at a lake somewhere near the Canadian border. Judging by the cameraman’s reactions, what might look like small dips on video were actually a bit of a rollercoaster. And based on how layered up the driver is, it was pretty brisk on this chilly mid-October day. A full windshield might help keep you warm!
A Military-Style Roxor with Moxie
This year’s AIMExpo in Las Vegas, Nevada was home to some truly epic off-road creations. One of them was this: a Mahindra Roxor dubbed the MANA U-403 sporting a military-inspired heritage livery.
While the music in this video seems to be a bit, uh, confused, it did have me feeling things about this olive drab Roxor. Check out the aluminum-looking gas cap, the fully-integrated roll cage, and all those decals and small touches… and just look at the tire shine on those BFGoodrich ATs! Ohhhhh myyyy.
If at any point Barry White had started singing during that video, things would have gotten out of control.
Source: YouTube channel AutoMotoTube
ROXOR: The Movie (Trailer) (Sort Of)
Okay, it’s not really the next big Hollywood blockbuster. This fun “trailer” was compiled by YouTuber TicBister to chronicle the journey of buying a brand-new Roxor – and immediately putting it through its paces.
The video features a dealership in Lloydminster, Alberta, Canada, a town on the Alberta-Saskatchewan border roughly 2.5 hours east of Edmonton and 7 hours north of Montana. Needless to say, it gets pretty cold in the winter: with an average January temperature [JD1] of just under 0 degrees Fahrenheit, we’re looking forward to seeing how this Roxor handles its frigid new digs.
Based on this trailer (for a movie we’d totally watch, by the way), it’s having loads of fun already.
LED Halo Headlights: Full Install and Demo
A few weeks ago, YouTuber Red, White, and Roxor teased a set of LED Halo headlights that fit into the Roxor with very few modifications. Now he’s released this video detailing the installation in full and showing off all the awesome settings these lights have to offer.
Throughout the installation he discusses the need to wire these halos so they’re only on when the ignition is hot. Wiring them directly to the battery will result in halos that are always on, even when your Roxor isn’t..
Stick around for the detailed installation or jump to 5:13 to see these babies in action.
These are similar to the headlights we carry in our store. Ours have blinking, flashing, and color-changing LED halo rings and projector lenses for your high and low beams. They can function as integrated turn signals, to get you one step closer to making your Roxor street legal. These LED halos can even flash to the tune of whatever music you’re listening to. How cool is that?
Roxors are fun for the whole family! From Hattiesburg Cycles
Roxor Weekly
This week's edition of Roxor Weekly is over, but the fun doesn’t stop there. Winter is coming, and Roxor owners across North America are eagerly waiting for that first dusting of snow. Why not get your Roxor street legal by then? Donuts and drifting are way more fun on pavement – not that we’re suggesting anything.
Be sure to follow us on Facebook to see all kinds of powersports stores every week. And if you have a video of your Mahindra Roxor doing crazy things, tag us for a chance to be featured in an upcoming article.
Cover image source: Instagram @janeapotheker
This is everything currently known about the Mahindra Roxor and FCA legal battle.