The Roxor is cool with just about anything. Wanna haul lumber on a jobsite? Great. Wanna mount a gun in the bed and blast Stranglehold from your sound bar? Let’s do it. Wanna throw on a set of tank tracks that cost more than another Roxor and go ripping around on a ski slope in the winter? Bring it on.
It’s one of the few vehicles around that can be anything you want it to be, so let’s see what some of the internet’s most prolific Roxor enthusiasts have done with theirs this week.
This is Roxor Weekly.
Mahindra Roxor: Old School Simplicity, New School Technology
If you’re unfamiliar with the Roxor, this lively walkthrough by Trent at Rexburg Motor Sports in Rexburg, Idaho will get you up to speed.
With a car-like box frame, a truck-like 2.5-liter turbodiesel engine and 5-speed transmission, and a tractor-like towing capacity of 3490 pounds where most SXSs have 2500 or less, the Mahindra Roxor is the most versatile UTV since the Kawasaki Mule.
Mahindra’s motors are built to last. You’re gonna have a lot of fun for a lot of time.
This particular example sports upgrades like a full polyurethane windshield and an 8000-pound Warn winch, and as you’ll see later the Roxor is way more than just a weekend workhorse. That’s a solid start in terms of modifications, but it’s a drop in the pond compared to the rigs you’re about to see.
The Beast! Steel!
If watching that first video really was your first exposure to a Roxor, what you’re about to see may alarm you.
Feast your hearts on the Mahindra Roxor Ted Nugent Edition, a zebra striped Roxor sporting Spirit of the Wild decals and multiple references to the Motor City Madman himself.
The Mahindra Roxor Cat Scratch Fever “I Own More Guns Than the 82nd Airborne” Edition starts at $20,999, a small price to pay for a drivable piece of American history. The Smithsonian is probably clearing out a space for one as we speak. So follow Ted’s advice:
Hunt down your own at your local Roxor dealer today. Just tell ‘em the Whackmaster sent ya.
In case you’re not already grabbing your keys and heading to your local Roxor dealer to tell them the Whackmaster sent you, check out how much Mahindra cares about the coolest thing of all: The Earth. As seen in the subtext,
We do not encourage nor recommend the crossing of any lakes, rivers, or bodies of water with permission from local authorized wildlife or fishery association.
If Ted Nugent walked up to me and asked if he could dip his Roxor in my river, I’d ask him nicely to butter me up a little more before coming on that strong. At least wine and dine me first.
This whole water thing kinda reminds me of that Abiez guy who drives his Roxor in lakes all the time.
When the Going Gets Tough
At least one person out there is picking up what Ted is throwing down: our favorite Canadian snowplower TlcBister. He calls this short clip The Beast, and it shows Mister Bister taking his signature blue Roxor on some seriously steep grades.
It’s incredible what a modified Roxor can do. This one is sporting a Spartan locking rear differential – that’s part of how it makes driving on these loose, steep, muddy mountainsides look like a walk in the park. Roxors also have the power to transform empty fields into playgrounds, and this second video from TlcBister of a recent UTV get-together looks like a great way to spend a sunny afternoon.
OX Lockers… or Is It OXen?
Speaking of locking diffs and off-road awesomeness, the internet’s best-looking Roxor is about to get its biggest upgrades yet.
Fresh off his honeymoon, Ryan of Red, White, & Roxor is pretty happy to be back in Louisiana unboxing the latest set of upgrades for Project Woodrat.
I’m glad to see all the diesel trucks and American vehicles. I’m tired of seeing little Toyotas and vans everywhere!
Spoken like a true American.
The highlights of this video include unboxing front and rear chromoly axles and OX locking differentials with 4.88 gears. These parts should be way stronger than the stock pieces they replace – not only will they help Ryan get the most out of his recent ECU tune, this will finally get Project Woodrat performing the way its lift, tires, and lights say it will.
We’re super excited to see this longtime dream coming together for Ryan, especially since Project Woodrat was already wildly capable even without lockers and upgraded axles. See for yourself:
Since wires and solenoids would look out-of-place on what’s essentially an old Jeep CJ, Ryan decided to keep things old school with lever-action manually-locking OX differentials. Ryan gives a great overview of how these lockers function and the advantages to having them, so if you’re on the fence about getting locking differentials for your Roxor be sure to stick around for the whole video.
And if you think Project Woodrat is over the top, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.
Mattracks + Mahindra = 😍😍😍
This video starts calmly enough, with a stock Mahindra Roxor slipping and sliding in some sticky northern snowfall. After some action shots of cutting lumber with a chainsaw in a totally different environment and a bunch of other stock Roxors driving around in the forest, the moment we’ve all been waiting for finally arrives.
This Mattracks-equipped Roxor is something you either totally love or absolutely hate. For us, it’s the coolest thing to happen to a brand-new Jeep since the days of Daisy Duke and Hazzard County. Of course, the Roxor isn’t a true Jeep since it isn’t part of the Fiat Chrysler Jeep brand, but it’s a Jeep in spirit and that’s good enough for us.
What a Mattracks system does is pretty straightforward, but I need to rant about this video for a second.
If anyone at Mahindra’s media team is reading this, you need to start making full-length videos with all this footage you’re collecting. This 1:07 clip dedicates more screen time to winches, chainsaws, and bone-stock Roxors than the one thing everyone was expecting to see. Might as well call the video Loud Guitar Music and Fast Cuts to Irrelevant Stuff. We want uninterrupted action shots of the Roxor on Mattracks tearing up snowy mountainsides and drifting on snow-covered roads. Shoot, tell the sound guy to take a day off and let us hear the turbo spooling instead of the latest power chord riff session from the marketing guy who happens to play guitar on the side.
You need to show the world what this baby can do if you want to convince anyone to spend $20,000 on a set of tank tracks for a $20,000 vehicle.
Oh yeah, these things are $20,000. If I ever win the lottery...
Don’t forget it’s Mother’s Day! | Roxor Offroad
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If you’re dreaming of blasting Cat Scratch Fever in your Roxor on the way to work, let Dirt Legal help you out.
We’ll get you a title, license plate, and registration to help make your Mahindra Roxor street legal anywhere in the United States. We will provide you with a title in your name and registered to your home address, all in a matter of weeks. No inspections and no trips to the DMV. Click the button below to learn more.
From mud flaps to Mattracks, Dirt Legal has it all in the world’s largest Roxor Parts store. If we don’t have it, chances are we can get it. Click the button below to check out our inventory of Mahindra Roxor parts and accessories.
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Cover image courtesy of @arlingtonmotorsports
Can the full-size Mahindra Roxor conquer a UTV park? Time to find out.