Suppose you have a vehicle registered under an LLC already. You’re considering another purchase, and you want o make it tax-free as well. What does it take to add it to an existing LLC? Let’s find out!
Vehicle Use Tax in Virginia Is Brutal. A Montana LLC Might Be Your Solution
A few states impose vehicle use tax, or ad volorem tax, on their annual taxation schedule. Virginia is one of them and has one of the highest rates in the nation. If you are a resident of Virginia or planning to move there, expect to pay at least 4.05% in annual use tax. Unless, of course, you are tagged in Montana. And we can help!
Using A Montana LLC Registration For Car Renting Services
Following in the footsteps of ultra-successful Uber, Lyft, Airbnb, Turo, and other platforms allows you to rent your cars and trucks. But you could be spending too much on your sales tax, registration, and state inspections. Find out how we can help you save big with your rental car or whole fleet!
Writing off Your Vehicle Under a Montana LLC
We all know the benefits of registering your vehicle under a Montana LLC, namely no sales tax. But what about when you live in the vehicle full-time (digital nomad) and use it for business as well? Can you still write it off under Section 179?
Let’s see what we can find out about that question!
How to Pay off a Vehicle That’s Financed
You want to register your car or truck in Montana to save some dough on sales tax. We totally get it. But did you know that you can’t get an LLC in Montana with a financed vehicle? We’ll walk you through how this isn’t necessarily a deal breaker, even if your vehicle is financed.
What Is the Montana Luxury Vehicle Registration Fee?
The Montana Luxury Vehicle Fee is an $825 fee assessed for high-end luxury and exotic cars at the time of registration in Montana. This fee applies to vehicles valued at $150,000 or more at the time of registration.
Can A Canadian Citizen Form An LLC For Vehicle Registration?
Every year, thousands of Canadian “snowbirds” enter the U.S. to wait out the arctic chill in our southern states and beaches. But how does that work out if they want to buy a car, truck, RV, or another vehicle? Let’s find out.
Out-of-State Registration for Car Renters: What's on the Table?
If you’ve thought about renting your car on Turo or another car-sharing platform, you might consider where you register and title your car. Our out-of-state registration could save you a lot of money and some headaches!
Car Tax Manual: Learn All About Car Taxes in the United States
Taxes are a part of life that isn’t going anywhere, probably ever. So what are the different kinds of taxes you could face when buying or selling a vehicle? We’re going to dive deep into this one and show you the different kinds of taxes and a few examples of where you can expect to see them.
Montana’s Online Vehicle Registrations Are Good, but There’s a Better Way
Anyone can register a vehicle in Montana without ever going there, and the process can be even easier when you use a Montana LLC Registration Service.
How Much Does It Cost to Maintain an LLC in Montana?
Now that you have a Montana LLC, you probably want to know how much it costs to maintain it. Well, we answer this and a lot more!
How to Renew Your Montana Vehicle Registration Online
You’ve gone ahead and gotten your car registration through a Montana LLC. That’s awesome! But what about the renewal process? We’ve got you covered!
What Is Required to Register a Vehicle in Montana?
You've decided to take the plunge and register your vehicle(s) through the Montana LLC process. Awesome! What do you need to register your vehicle there, then? We’ll answer that and more.
People register cars in Montana all the time. So, is it legal?
There are a lot of rumors about the Montana LLC process. Dirt Legal is coming at you with the facts. See how a Montana LLC is your ticket to a tax free vehicle registration.
Why Form an LLC in Montana? These Are the Benefits
Another article in our Montana LLC series, we examine why you need to have an LLC in Montana, and what the benefits are to registering your vehicle through a Montana LLC registration.
How to Protect Your Classic Car Collection From Taxes
Are you thinking about adding some collectible cars to your portfolio? Hold on for just a second and read this first! Otherwise, you might lose your shirt in taxes!
How to Renew Your Utah Vehicle Registration Online
Utah is a land of unbelievable landscapes and arid deserts. It can also be a land of unparalleled hassle when you need to register your car. Check out how our out-of-state registration programs are just the ticket to save some dough and time.
How to Register Highly Modified Cars Out-of-State
If you are working on a highly modified project car or truck right now, listen up! This article is for you. Getting your highly modified car registered can be a real hassle, but it doesn’t have to be. We will show you how easy it is to register your car out-of-state!
This Unknown Approach Lets You Register Your RV Cheaper
With some prices upwards of nearly 40% in the past year, it is more important now than ever to take your wins when you can and register your RV in a state with low taxes and no inspection requirement.