How To Understand the Importance of Proper Vessel Title Documentation

How To Understand the Importance of Proper Vessel Title Documentation

You know the importance of titles for cars, trucks, trailers, and RVs. But did you know that boats and vessels need titles, too? And if you don't have one, you can't register your boat or vessel to legally operate. Not only is this a killjoy, but it will also significantly lower the resale value of your boat. But don't worry, Dirt Legal can help.

What Is A 'Luxury Vehicle,' And How Should I Register One In Montana?

What Is A 'Luxury Vehicle,' And How Should I Register One In Montana?

Got a luxury vehicle? Worried about getting hosed with a huge tax bill? Don't worry; we've got your back. Our Montana registration program gives you the peace of mind knowing that you won't be liable for a giant sales tax bill, and we also explain what the luxury vehicle fee is in Montana.

What Do You Need to Get Into Hot Shot Trucking?

What Do You Need to Get Into Hot Shot Trucking?

Hot Shot trucking is taking over the time-sensitive and smaller load segments of the trucking industry. And why not? You can start a business with a commercial-grade full-size pickup and a flatbed trailer. Not so fast, though: it's not quite that easy. Find out what it takes, and how Dirt Legal can save you a bundle in taxes.

How to Title a Boat (and Why You Should Do It in Montana)

How to Title a Boat (and Why You Should Do It in Montana)

You might not be thinking about it, but motorboats almost always require a title, just like a car or truck. If you've got a boat the needs a title but it's missing or you never had one, you might be getting worried. Don't. Dirt Legal's boat title recovery service will get you back on the water.

Do Montana Plates Need To Be Transferred After 30 Days?

You’ve Got Montana Plates on Your New Ride. Do You Have Tag it in Your Home State in 30 Days?

One of the things that is largely misunderstood about the Montana LLC registration process, and one that we constantly get questions about, is transferring after 30 days. This was always a concern with some of the other states we worked with that after 30 days, the registration would be null to do domicile state laws requiring out of state registrations be transferred. 

This poses a serious problem for anyone who was using an out-of-state registration option to get their UTV or other OHV made street legal. See, if you have to register it back in your home state (as would happen with a South Dakota OHV registration), you are kinda screwed since you registered it out of state because your domicile state won’t recognize them or register them. 

So, when you register in Montana, do you need to transfer your plates to your home state after 30 days? Short answer: no. Long answer: still no, but read on to find out why. 

Montana Vehicle Registration Basics

What does it take for a vehicle to be street legal in Montana? Is it the presence of DOT-required items, passing a safety inspection, or strictly bureaucratic registration processes? The answer is all three.

First and foremost, "street-legal" is not a one-size-fits-all term. For instance, a vehicle that is street-legal in Montana doesn't have to meet the same standards as a street-legal vehicle in California. However, a vehicle legally tagged and registered in Montana (and generally any state) can legally travel through any other state.

The concept of being street-legal is embedded in the legal framework of the state where you register your vehicle. For example, in California, you must pass a smog test to be considered street-legal and registered. There is no such requirement in Montana; you can drive from Montana to California without needing that smog test.

In Montana, there are no inspection requirements for registering a vehicle or maintaining its registration. Once a vehicle is registered, it can be registered permanently after it reaches eleven years of age or older.

However, all vehicles must meet standard requirements to be considered street-legal: horn, turn signals, brake lights, seat belts (except motorcycles), headlights, etc.

The specific equipment requirements for all street-legal vehicles in Montana are detailed in the Montana Code and the Montana Title Manual. Due to the detail and complexity of statutory code, it's best for you to read the code based on the type of vehicle you want to register.

Since Montana has no vehicle inspection requirements and the vehicle does not need to be present at the time of registration, it is entirely up to you, the owner/operator, to ensure your vehicle is adequately equipped.

Chapter 9 covers all the pertinent info

Supplementary resources:

The 30-Day Rule: What It Means

Okay, so yes, Montana does have its own 30-day rule regarding people moving into the state. But that isn’t exactly what we are looking at. We are talking about every other state. Now, the term ‘30-day rule’ is generic; all of the states have different rules about this. 

But generally speaking, the rule is somewhere in the ballpark of a month or less to register it in the home state. 

For California, the number is only 20 days, while in New York it is 30 days.

If you registered out-of-state anywhere besides Montana, you would be basically obligated to abide by these rules. However, the secret sauce is the LLC. See, when you register your car through our Montana registration program, the owner is the LLC, and the LLC resides in Montana. It really is that simple. 

One important caveat: the areas where we have seen the most trouble with this are vehicles that are outlawed in state, and the cops know it. For instance, surplus military vehicles are forbidden in Colorado and California, so if you go rolling through town with Montana plates, prepare to be pulled over at the least, and impounded at the worst. We have also seen a couple of videos surface of guys trying to run UTVs with Montana plates in Colorado and the local authorities weren’t having it. 

If you decided to get a Montana registration for you 2021 Toyota Sienna, the odds are pretty good that nobody would ever bat an eye.  

So I Don’t Have to Transfer Montana Plates?

No, you sure don’t! 

Because you were smart and created residency in Montana through an LLC, you don’t have to do anything. We like to keep things simple, here. You bought a Montana registration through us because you had a problem that you wanted taken care of. 

What kind of problems do these take care of? Well, for one you don’t have to worry about state sales tax. Montana has no state sales tax, so once you register there, you don’t have to worry about it again. 

Also, and we have talked about this at length, but this is the best way to get vehicles titled that are otherwise hard to get on the road. Most states do not take nearly as hard of a line on military vehicles as Colorado and California, but they can still be hard to get done in a lot of states since they are sold from the auction houses without titles. 

There are million examples why our program is a great option, but here is the key takeaway: when you get an LLC through us, you have fully legal lawful residency in Montana. Residency is not the same as domicile, but it does mean that you can register your vehicles in Montana.

And one final piece of universal advice: the flashier or more unique a vehicle you register, the more scrutiny it will get. If it catches the eye of the police, odds are pretty good that they will pull you over to run the tags. Just be prepared for this. 

Parting Thoughts

We still offer registration packages from more than just Montana, but generally we discourage those unless there is a legitimate or extenuating reason to use them. 

The Montana LLC and registration package is the best way to protect yourself when you want to register your vehicle out of state and want the legal footing to win in court should it go that way. Because, without the legal backing of the LLC, you are just another guy trying to skirt the rules and you probably won’t win that argument. 
Check out our full line of Montana LLC products while you’re here; cars and trucks aren’t the only way to benefit from the process.

Do Street Legal OHVs Need Unlimited Road Use Insurance?

Should You Get Unlimited Road Use Insurance for Your Street-Legal OHV?

One of our favorite topics here at Dirt Legal is talking about making OHVs street legal. We love it! One of the biggest markets seeking street-legality is UTVs, which we have written extensively about. In fact, we wrote the definitive guide!

But we aren’t just interested in UTVs; we think that just about anything with wheels and an engine looks better with a tag than without. We have helped make all kinds of vehicles street-legal, and we are here for many more. But getting a tag on there is only half of the battle. You aren't going anywhere if you don’t get your wheels insured. 

This poses somewhat of a problem: what kind of insurance do you use when the vehicles aren’t intended to be road-use vehicles, but you have made them street-legal? Because the major insurance providers may not be equipped to write coverage for a UTV or quad, regardless of what the registration says. 

Let’s dive in. 

What Is Road Use Insurance?

What we call road insurance isn’t universally called that. Sometimes, it is just called ATV or UTV insurance. But here’s the deal: it is not intended for road use. ATVs and UTVs are supposed to be ridden off-road, which is why they are sent from the factory without a street-legal title. 

No, we are not advocating against our own brand or anything here; we are just stating the truth. Manufacturers design them as OHVs, and you are responsible for making them street-legal on yourself. Of course, this puts you in an odd position because OHVs aren’t intended to be on public roads, so the insurance is not intended for on-road use. 

Road use, or ATV/UTV/OHV insurance is very common, but if you are involved in an incident, the insurance provider may (ok, they probably will) refuse to pay out the claim because you weren’t supposed to be driving it on the road anyway (with that particular type of insurance). 

How About Unlimited Road Use Insurance?

There are exceptions to everything. 

In this case, unlimited road use insurance is available for OHVs. The insurance companies are not dumb; they are very aware that a growing number of states have approved OHVs for street-legal road use (Oklahoma is one of the most recent). In fact, we covered this thoroughly in our Nationwide Street Legal UTV Guide.

With nine states now boasting robust street-legal UTV legislation, there is plenty of validation for street-legal OHV insurance options. Of course, some issues here are quite a bit different than standard passenger vehicles. Mainly, UTV and OHV owners/riders are not always going to stick to the roads. In fact, part of the convenience of having a street-legal UTV is that you don’t need to trailer it to the trails anymore. 

So, the insurance policies need to take this into account which is where unlimited road use insurance policies enter the equation. Here are a few of the features of unlimited road use insurance that you should be aware:

  1. Comprehensive coverage:

    1. This will include both on- and off-road usage since the OHV is being used in both environments. Again, this is super important when you plan to take your UTV on the pavement and off. Valid insurance is only as good as what it will cover when stuff happens. 

  2. Broad liability coverage

    1. Broad liability protects against bodily injury and property damage liability claims. This coverage mainly concerns the vehicle's on-road use, so don’t skimp here. 

  3. Collision and comprehensive coverage

    1. This is a common and familiar coverage to all drivers and is there to pay for damages to your vehicle that result from a collision with another vehicle. The comprehensive component covers unfortunate events like theft, animal collisions, damage from falling tree limbs, and assorted environmental damage (flooding). 

How Does UTV Insurance Work?

Again, this question has a lot more to do with how you intend to use the vehicle. Are you only using this around the farm? Are you taking it to the state or federal trail systems on a trailer (i.e, no intention to use this as a street-legal vehicle)? Or are you planning on putting a street-legal tag on your OHV and basically using it like a dual-sport with four tires? 

Because UTV insurance doesn’t work any differently than any other kind of insurance. It provides coverage for damage from environmental conditions, from animals, and, of course, collisions with other vehicles. 

So, since it doesn’t work any differently than any other insurance, what you need to do is make sure that you have appropriate insurance for what you actually do with the vehicle. Yes, this is important. Because if you are doing stuff that you told your insurance provider you weren’t doing with a UTV (like driving on roads, for example) and something happens, they probably won’t cover it. And why should they? If you were being dishonest about use, they have zero obligation to help you out. 

What's The Difference Between Incidental and Unlimited Road Use Insurance?

The difference between incidental and unlimited road use insurance is all in the name. 

Incidental insurance can refer to different types of insurance that cover situations not typically covered by other policies. What does this mean? It means that incidental coverage is there just to cover those oddities, which is not what you are looking for if you want to drive on roads. 

If you plan to drive your OHV on roads (after making it street-legal with a legal title and registration, of course), then you need unlimited road use insurance for it. There really aren’t any ifs ands, or buts about this; getting reh registration squared away is only part of the equation. 

A lot of this information we provide is to make life easier on you and for you, not necessarily to convince you to do the right thing. It only takes one incident with the wrong insurance to realize you should have anted up on your monthly premium and paid for an unlimited road use plan that covered everything you intended to do with it. 

Will It Matter If My Domicile State is Different Than Where My OHV is Registered?

Again, we suggest you proceed with complete transparency. Tell them exactly what you plan to do with your OHV, including if you are running a South Dakota or Montana registration on your rig. They need to know this because if you are driving it in, say, Ohio, but you have a South Dakota plate on it and something happens, your insurance provider might just ask some questions about what it was doing there. 

If you have any problems, call our friends at Select Insurance Group and see what they suggest. This is definitely a situation where you need to consult with an insurance specialist and get their honest feedback on what you should do, because, at the end of the day, it’s you having to fill out paperwork with the cops and insurance providers if something happens. 

Do I Need Insurance At All?

Okay, so this question is purely the result of search algorithms, but we’re going to cover it because people ask it. 

Do you need insurance?

If you drive on any public road at all, ever, anywhere, then the answer is an emphatic yes. Even if the state or whatever governing body in charge of said road didn’t require it (they always do and always will), why would you want to risk it? For one thing, even if the states didn’t require it, every bank and credit union in the universe requires proof of insurance to lend you money, which makes a lot of sense. They carry a considerable liability, lending money to people to buy things that kill people. 

If you bought your OHV outright, you aren’t beholden to the bank’s rules, but if you drop $25k on a UTV, do you really want to drive it around without protection? I wouldn’t. 

Again, as a rule of thumb, insurance is required on all public roads. No, we can’t say for certain it is on every single municipal road across the U.S., but we have never heard of anywhere that it wasn’t required. Check out our preferred insurance providers page and see which fits your needs; the odds are good that we partner with someone who has insurance for your demands.   

Parting Thoughts

We are the biggest proponents in the world of you driving basically whatever you want on public roads, and we offer a huge line of products to get you there. But part of the equation for street-legal driving of OHVs is to make sure they are properly insured. So, does your OHV need unlimited road use insurance? Probably. For the small difference in cost, why not just go with it anyway? If you have street-legal registration and tags on it, you have already put a lot of effort and some money into getting it on the road. 

Don’t cheap out here; this is the one area of driving that will cost you dearly if you skimp or are outrightly dishonest about use. Buy the insurance you actually need. Call the professionals who deal with this every day for a living and pay them for their expertise. You are one accident away from really appreciating what you did.   

What Can You Do About a Lost Boat Title?

What Can You Do About a Lost Boat Title?

Losing a boat title can be stressful, but Dirt Legal is here to help. A title is essential for proving ownership, and without it, registering or selling your boat can be a hassle. While some boats may not require a title, others do, depending on state regulations. If your boat title is lost, you can seek a replacement through your state, or if necessary, pursue a bonded title.

Dirt Legal specializes in helping boat owners recover lost titles through a simple process, including a Hull Identification Number (HIN) inspection and required documentation. With their guidance, you can get a clean, bonded title and secure legal ownership of your boat.

It’s the Tail End of Summer: Get Your OHV Registered Before the Fall Hunt

It’s the Tail End of Summer: Get Your OHV Registered Before the Fall Hunt

Well, we have all noticed it: the mornings aren’t quite as oppressively hot and humid, the evenings might even have a hint of chill in them. And, of course, there is just the slightest change in color of the leaves on the trees. I’m not trying to get all misty eyed and nostalgic here, but autumn is a great time of the year. You can hit the trails for hours without taking a year’s supply of Gold Bond. Even ugly places get a little prettier when the trees turn. South Texas is still hot. It’s a great time of year. 

And it’s even greater when your sweet OHV is street legal. Think about it: you can drive it to the trails. You can drive it downtown to grab some Poke and ice cream. But the ultimate flex? Driving your UTV straight to your favorite hunting grounds, filling your tag, and hauling it out without ever needing to trailer it. 


Why Get Your OHV Street Legal?

I more or less touched on this in the intro, but let's take a little deeper look and why you should get your OHV street legal. 

First off, it’s profoundly practical. There is nothing less practical than loading up your rig(s) to head to trails or hunting land just to unload it, do whatever you meant to do, and then load it up again. This is just crazy impractical, especially when we’re talking about a matter of a few miles. 

Granted, there are no mileage limits for a street legal OHV; if you feel like driving a quad or SXS cross-country, go for it! 

Second, it’s just fun. Who hasn’t daydreamed just a little bit about taking their SXS to Lowe’s instead of their truck. Or just wanted to rip up downtown on a Banshee. Of course, way off in the hinterland, there is another side of this. In the totally rural parts of America, people have been riding OHVs on roads for years. It’s just a way of life. The local authorities all know it, the rural folks all know it. It is an unwritten code. But once you are on paved roads, regular rules tend to apply a little more. 

Instead of riding in gray areas, you can remove all question or doubt about the legality of riding your OHV on all roadways by making it street legal. Our Montana LLC registration process takes the guesswork out of it, and provides you invaluable proof or residence in Montana. Also, you can use the same LLC to title and register as many vehicles as you want in Montana. 

With so many activities coming up in the fall, there isn’t a better time to get your ride street legal. We talked about hunting and other sportsman-related purposes, but can’t overstate how absolutely cool it would be to roll up to a football game in your SXS. Or, hear me out, a Humvee or LMTV. 

What Kind of OHV Can We Make Street Legal?

Alright, so now that you know that we can make OHVs street legal, you are probably asking what kind of OHVs can I make street legal? 

All kinds, that’s what kind. We have been known to push the limits at Dirt Legal, some of them with great success, and others…not quite as successfully. But you just don’t know until you try. 


One of our OG products was ATV registration. Back in the early days of Dirt Legal, we made a street legal ATV and then eventually sold it. 

ATVs have long been a popular choice for street legal road use because they offer performance in the ballpark of motorcycles but provide more utility, stability, and capacity, and of course, are still great off-road even with street tires. 


UTVs (or SXSs) are one of the best OHVs on the market to make street legal (maybe the very best). These machines are made to run and push crazy torque and horsepower. Also, with fully welded steel cages and five point harnesses on a lot of units, they are incredibly strong and very safe. With DOT tires, they will run highway speeds with no problem at all and still be incredible off-road. 

UTVs are great vehicles for sportsmen because they are so well equipped to get to the hardest to reach places in America, but with a Montana tag on it, you can get to the trails without a truck and trailer.

One word of warning on these: there are literally hundreds of cases across America of street-legal UTV owners challenging tickets. Lots of them won, but not all. Check out our Nationwide UTV Guide for more info. 

Surplus Military Vehicles

My personal favorite category are surplus military trucks. These trucks are readily available all over, from Marketplace for ones that have already been on the civilian market, to those being sold directly from the government through third party brokers, namely GovPlanet.

The thing is, if you buy one that has never been titled and registered, it can be a pain. You won’t get a title from the government, but instead you get an SF-97. Not every state will process these, or they make it a lot harder than they need to. 

But, with our military vehicle titling service, you will get a clean title and registration without ever dealing with the DMV; we do all of that.  

Humvees, LMTVs, FMTVs, M35s, you name it and we can get you a title and registration for it. 

Are They Street Legal Everywhere?

We believe so. Because of reciprocity agreements, you should be above to operate your OHVs in every state because it is titled and registered in Montana to an LLC, no to you. So you can drive it but the LLC owns it (even though you own the LLC).

But a couple of words of warning: 

  1. Colorado and California explicitly ban military vehicles from being titled in their states. We have talked about this a ton in our military vehicles blog posts. We aren’t exactly sure how they would react to an out of state plated army truck, but be on your toes and be ready to politely defend yourself from potential tickets. 

  2. UTVs: we haven’t seen anything contested by courts and law enforcement as much as these. Many cases of individual officers who seem to have vendettas about these vehicles. Be warned, they may impound your rig and you’ll have to bail it out and pay the ticket. LOTS of these cases are thrown out, but not all. 

Final Thoughts

It’s Fall, y’all. But we don’t care about pumpkin spice anything. We are all about titles and registration at Dirt Legal, and it is exactly what we deliver to you. Titling and registering OHVs was a huge part of how we got our start all those years ago, and we love this program. Why shouldn’t you be able to legally drive your UTV or ATV on roads? How is fundamentally any different than a motorcycle? They aren’t. 

And surplus army trucks? So cool, but not always super easy. So we make it easy. 

How You Can Make Your Off-Road Dirt Bike Street Legal in New Jersey!

How You Can Make Your Off-Road Dirt Bike Street Legal in New Jersey!

New Jersey is home to some beautiful countryside and great trail riding, in spite of it's reputation from Jersey Shore. But the problem is that NJ isn't all that friendly to getting OHV dirt bikes street legal. That's ok; Dirt Legal's got your back. Check out how to legally get your dirt bike on the road in New Jersey!

Montana: The Treasure State

Montana: The Treasure State

Montana's nickname is "The Treasure State," and even though that is due to all of the physical treasure there, one look at the natural beauty will tell you that slogan isn't just talking about gold and silver. Dirt Legal is proud to work closely with Montana, and we think this incredible state deserves a little more fanfare than it usually gets.

Dirt Legal Sponsors Velocity Motors and Factory Race Team at the 2024 Shootout at the Ozarks: Powering Performance On and Off the Water

Dirt Legal Sponsors Velocity Motors at the 2024 Shootout at the Ozarks: Powering Performance On and Off the Water

At Dirt Legal, we're more than just a company that helps you navigate the complexities of vehicle registration and LLC formations—we're passionate about the motorsport community and the thrill of pushing limits. That's why we’re excited to announce our sponsorship of the Velocity Motors Class 700 boat in this year’s Shootout at the Ozarks 2024.

The Lake of the Ozarks Shootout is not just a race; it’s a legendary event with a rich history dating back to 1988. What began as a local gathering for boaters to prove who had the fastest boat has transformed into the largest unsanctioned boat race in the United States. It’s an event that draws tens of thousands of boating enthusiasts each year, all eager to witness the high-speed action that this event promises.

For over three decades, the Shootout has grown in scale and prestige, attracting top competitors from across the globe. This year, as we sponsor Velocity Powerboats and American Luxury Homes, we're proud to be part of a tradition that celebrates speed, innovation, and the spirit of competition. With boats now reaching speeds over 200 mph, the stakes have never been higher, and the excitement never greater.

Dirt Legal Velocity Factory Race Team and American Luxury Homes Boat Testing The Waters.

But our partnership with Velocity Motors goes beyond just sponsoring a boat. At Dirt Legal, we’re dedicated to making your boating experiences smoother and more rewarding. Whether you're an individual looking to register a boat for the first time or a business owner wanting to purchase a new vessel through a Montana LLC, we’ve got you covered. Our expertise in boat registration ensures that you can enjoy your time on the water with full peace of mind.

Why Montana? It's simple: forming a Montana LLC to own your boat can significantly reduce your tax burden, thanks to the state’s favorable tax laws. And if you already have a Montana LLC, it’s a perfect vehicle to purchase new boats, providing not just financial benefits but also enhanced privacy and asset protection.

Get Ready For The Lake Of The Ozarks 2024: Aug. 24 and Aug. 25, 2024

The Lake of the Ozarks Shootout has evolved from informal, impromptu races among local boaters to a full-blown international event. Just as the Shootout has grown, so has the role of professional services like ours in the boating community. We help ensure that your vessels are not only fast but fully compliant with state and federal regulations. And when it comes to purchasing, registering, and protecting your investment, Dirt Legal is your trusted partner.

As the Velocity Motors Class 700 boat gears up to make waves at the 2024 Shootout, we're thrilled to be part of this high-octane event that brings together the best in boating. This sponsorship embodies the synergy between the high-performance boating community and our commitment to offering top-tier legal and registration services.

Join us at the Lake of the Ozarks Shootout this year, where speed meets precision, and tradition meets innovation. And remember, whether you're racing on the water or cruising at your own pace, Dirt Legal is here to help you every step of the way.

See You at the 36th Annual Lake of the Ozarks Shootout!

The Dirt Legal Team