Montana Temporary License Plate and Registration - Fleet
Montana Temporary License Plate and Registration - Fleet
Get a 40-day Montana temp tag in the name of your Montana LLC that you can use anywhere in the US for ANY type of vehicle.
Takes 1-3 business days to receive, but may get done the same day depending on the DMV’s workload.
This document DOES NOT prove ownership of the vehicle, so you will not be able to use it for getting a vehicle out of the impound. However, the document does allow you to operate the vehicle until the expiration date.
If you only want the temp tag emailed, it will be your responsibility to print it and laminate it so it will be weatherproof. If you select the option “Mail AND e-mail”, we will print it on hard paper and include a waterproof plastic sheet and mail it to you with tracking. We will also email it to you in case you need it right away.
This service works with the following types of vehicles:
Trucks (under 55,000 pounds)
Any off-road vehicle with a VIN (Street legal parts must already be installed)
And anything else with a VIN