Earlier this month was the first iteration of our new series Roxor Weekly, celebrating enthusiastic Roxor owners putting these awesome UTVs to good use. From a quality walk-around to some extreme off-road action, this Roxor Weekly proves that this quirky UTV is everything we hoped it would be.
Roxor News: Up to Speed in 60 Seconds
This week’s biggest Roxor news is the patent infringement allegation by Fiat Chrysler. Now that the US Trade Commission is involved, it won’t be long before the dust settles and a victor emerges. Mahindra are hedging their bets by investing elsewhere, announcing that sales of the Canadian Roxor are set to start in 2019. This is all ahead of their plans to sell actual cars in the United States and Canada as early as 2020. And the Roxor is still pretty rare, with about 400 sold of the ~800 produced since its release in March of 2018.
With the Roxor’s fate in question, let’s see what its proud owners are up to in this week’s Roxor Weekly.
Video credit: Valley Sport & Marine in Minot, North Dakota
Mahindra Roxor: Walkaround + Features and Quirks
Ever notice the Roxor has reversible white-letter tires? Me neither.
We can’t wait for famed automotive journalist and khaki shorts enthusiast Doug DeMuro to get his hands on a Mahindra Roxor. Until that day comes, this pair of videos (other one here) from YouTuber abiez are the next best thing to checking out all the interesting quirks and features of a Roxor in person.
This video compares a base-model Roxor to the higher-trim Limited Edition (in black). Special features of the LE include a restyled dash, the addition of a light bar and rear-view mirrors, and the inclusion of an oh-so-handy 8000-lb Warn winch strapped to a beefy off-road bumper.
The narrator gives a brief history of the Roxor spoken over detailed views of the interior and exterior. That includes some lesser-seen places, like under the chassis and behind the wheels, where every component looks decidedly well-built.
Video credit: Wheeler Powersports of Fort Smith, Arkansas
Mahindra Roxor: Military-Grade Grit
“When the mission calls for military-grade grit, call in an off-road vehicle built on more than 70 years of hardcore heritage.”
Yes, indeed.
This 30-second spot shows how the Roxor is the perfect UTV for a variety of everyday activities. Things like overland backpacking, remote lumbering, and watching romantic sunrises. It makes for a handy hunting blind, especially dressed in a factory-optioned woodland camo wrap, and it covers rough terrain easier than a Prius on a highway commute.
Grandpa Willys would be proud.
Video Credit: Mahindra
Offroading in a Mahindra Roxor Thar
Once you de-restrict your Roxor and unlock its top speed of over 70 miles per hour, you’re basically driving what the Indian market has known for years as the Mahindra Thar. Off-road enthusiasts in India love the Thar’s torquey diesel engine and low-range gearbox, a match made in heaven when the going gets tough.
The 2H-4H-4L arrangement lets these Roxors wade through some serious muck and cross water that reaches the door sills (though it’s important to note there’s a snorkel fitted in that scene). At one point in the video, the driver intentionally gets stuck to demonstrate a self-recovery using the optional Warn winch. He pairs precise throttle modulation with 4-Low and a winch remote to get himself unstuck, a critical skill for any off-road enthusiast to have.
I gotta say, the Mahindra reps in this video are utter badasses. Not only is it raining the entire time, but these guys actually change a mud-covered wheel in the middle of the night, in the pouring rain, without a jack… just to show that you can. Somebody get these guys an Emmy!
Video credit: Rockin M Ranch
Climbing a Grade with No Throttle
To further demonstrate how the Roxor’s torque comes in handy in the real world, this driver pits his Roxor LE against what must be a 35-degree slope – if not more – with no throttle input whatsoever.
The summit of this Wyoming trail offers incredible views of a lake and mountain range, so it’s no surprise the driver wants to reach the top. He first tries this climb in 2nd gear and stalls the engine, but the second attempt in 1st and 4-Low has the Roxor doing all the work itself. The description says it all: “Shift to first and it climbed hill with no throttle! Just idled up! Steep! Very impressive little torque monger.... I love this rig!”
Rockin’ M Ranch offers scenic lodging near Jackson, Wyoming.
Video credit: Keiser Soze
Blinkers Installed and Wired
Here we see the result of installing aftermarket turn signals on a Mahindra Roxor, a critical step to becoming street legal. The owner details the installation step-by-step.
It involves tapping into the factory wiring harness in several places, passing wires through an existing firewall grommet on the driver’s side, and wiring the signals to a dash-mounted switch. The wiring and switch were sourced from a local hardware store, and the lights themselves were salvaged from another vehicle.
The narrator says he plans to hide the wires, replace the turn signal switch with a column-mounted unit, and mount additional indicators on the sides of his Roxor. He eludes to tapping into the side-mounted reflector housings on the front fenders, an attractive alternative to drilling new holes.
Video credit: Keiser Soze
Roxor Weekly
We’re excited to see y’all out there putting Roxors to good use. These babies were built to be ridden hard and put away wet, and y’all are definitely making that happen. Cheers to you!
Be sure to follow us on Facebook as we round up the best new Mahindra Roxor videos each week. Have a video you want people to see? Tag us for a chance to be featured in upcoming content!
Want to make your Mahindra Roxor street legal? Dirt Legal will get you a title, tag, and registration for your Roxor in a matter of weeks or your money back – even if you’re financing. To learn more, check out our services or ask one of our staff members to call at your convenience.
This is everything currently known about the Mahindra Roxor and FCA legal battle.