
How to Winterize Your Car: The Most Important Things You Can Do

How to Winterize Your Car: The Most Important Things You Can Do

If your car will be sitting all winter, fill the fuel tank before parking it. No special steps are needed to winterize a vehicle that’s driven regularly. Make sure the oil is the correct spec and that the coolant mixture is sufficient to withstand freezing. Also, use windshield wiper fluid that is designed to withstand freezing.

Yes, It Is Possible to Get Out of a Car Title Loan. Here's How.

Yes, It Is Possible to Get Out of a Car Title Loan. Here's How.

Even if you play by the rules and make your payments on-time, some shady title loan businesses will hit you with hidden fees, penalties, or high interest rates.

Pre-Purchase Inspections are Fast, Cheap, and Could Save You Thousands

Pre-Purchase Inspections are Fast, Cheap, and Could Save You Thousands

A pre-purchase inspection usually costs less than $100 and takes less than 1 hour to complete. You will learn about upcoming repairs and maintenance needs as well as the vehicle’s overall safety and condition.

The Show and Display Rule: Which Cars Qualify and Which Cars Don’t

The Show and Display Rule: Which Cars Qualify and Which Cars Don’t

If a car qualifies for the Show and Display Rule, it may be granted limited use on public roads of up to 2,500 miles per year. The NTHSA reserves the right to approve importation but disallow the car from being registered.

Top 10 Ways to Winterize Your Car and Keep Yourself Safe

Top 10 Ways to Winterize Your Car and Keep Yourself Safe

Keep in mind that a tire’s PSI drops one point every time the temperature goes down ten degrees. Older cars don’t come with a warning light, so we recommend checking tire pressures at least once per week in the winter.

What if the VIN on the Car Doesn’t Match the Title?

What if the VIN on the Car Doesn’t Match the Title?

A VIN mismatch on a car title often stems from a transcription mistake during the registration process.

VIN Numbers Explained: What They Are and How They Work

VIN Numbers Explained: What They Are and How They Work

A vehicle identification number (VIN) is a form of identification used in modern automobiles. Contrary to the rumors, it is perfectly safe to tell people your VIN.